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Search Results

City of Monsters (Webtoons)

A long winter and a big city. A stranger in his own world, and a goddess worshiped for her deeds and judgements. In this city there are no saints or martyrs. No heroes walk the streets. This city procures the divided and favors those who conquer....

Action, Fantasy, Noir, Political, Romance

Paisley Brickstone

Being the new kid is never easy, but life gets even harder for Harvey Mammaroth when gym class takes a wild turn and he and his classmates find themselves trapped in an empty school. Is the whole thing just a vague assignment set up by their...

Fantasy, High School, Horror, Surreal, Comicadia

18 Saints are 18 Sinners

Craddock is a luckless incubus on the search for happiness and self fulfillment which he believes lies in finding the perfect job. Unfortunately, everything seems to be against him, from a lovelorn human showing up in his apartment one day, to bills...


The Tale of a Disappointing Land Shark

Comedy, Fantasy

Skulls and Coins

Coin for a head. Whistle for a fear. Scabbard for a scare.

Black and White, Comedy, Drama, Bittersweet, Horror, Surreal, Macabre

Lavender Life

Jasper likes flowers and he dreams of his imaginary world, to cope with the reality of living with a new family. In his new school, he is drawn to the music/drama club with the help of the twins; Nina and Mikey. Along the way, the boy may also cross...

Asexual, Coming of Age, Cute, Episodic, High School, Manga, Queer Cast,...

The Airship Legacy

On Hiatus

Damsels Don't Wear Glasses

Damsels Don't Wear Glasses is an action/urban fantasy series set in a city populated by mythical creatures and magic. It follows a tough. dry-humored woman named Lave Faraday, who spends her days investigating and occasionally fighting rogue...

Action, Animesque, Asexual, Comedy, Demons, Drama, English Language, Epic,...

Crystal Ball

All Thalissa wants to do is go home. To her new home, that is, where her family moved four years ago. Back then, there were reasons why she stayed behind in her childhood home of Redvale, but those reasons no longer pertain, and she's ready to...



In a distant future, people with extraordinary abilities, also called "Wiccans", struggle to survive in a world where their gifts have been declared illegal. A young meta-human girl, Hope Sherman, is forced by a police inspector to...

French Language, SciFi, Female Lead
On Hiatus

The Cult of Undesirables

On Hiatus

Castle Hawkingspire


The Tale of the Harbingers



Silversong is an high fantasy adventure comic. Tebetha is a young girl whose farsight ironically caused her to blindly stumble upon a dangerous plot aiming to tear down the Walled Kingdom

Fantasy, Female Lead, Comicadia

Shadow's Tale

Creepy, other dimension lair? CHECK. Umbrakinetic abilities? CHECK. Malicious monsters that were unleashed from a cursed book by accident? UHHHH.... He may need some help with that from his arch nemesi- I MEAN "partner" to put them all...

Action, Magical Girl, Picaresque
On Hiatus

RPG World: Fan Revival

RPG World is a comic about a Playstation game called, well, RPG World, played by a guy named Jim (who only ever shows up every so often). It's pokes fun at all the tropes typically found in RPGs, while keeping up a compelling story and fun...

Fantasy, Fancomic, RPG, Satire

Power Strings

On Hiatus

Odo the Cat

Comedy, SciFi, Slice of Life

Kill Me If You Can

Antares, is what his father gave him after birth, he grew up hating his own weird name that he come up with a new one(Kiran), in fear of becoming people's laughing stock. He sees himself as a proud side character who doesn't have a care to...

On Hiatus




On Hiatus

Gunnerkrigg Court

Fantasy, Mythology


Emma Crewe doesn’t care for books, but has the power to literally be lost in one. When Emma lands in another world following a library fire, she discovers she’s a Namesake — one with the power to open portals to other worlds via the power of...

Fantasy, Folktale, Female Lead, Diverse Cast, Fairy Tale, Queer Cast,...

Slightly Damned

Slightly Damned is a story-driven comic in a fantasy setting. It has comedy, romance, drama, and some violence and swearing.

Action, Adventure, Animals, Animesque, Comedy, Cute, Drama, Fantasy, Full...

Last Traveler

Keira is lost in an alternate world where portal travelers are outlawed and met with an untimely end. Befriending dragons and hiding among nobility, she searches for a way home as deeper connections between this world and her own are uncovered.


Serpamia Flare

Serpamia Flare takes place in the world of Archaiea, where magic is a given and adventurers abound. The main characters, a knight plagued with dreams and a hapless cleric with a curse, meet on a fluke chance and stumble upon a long and arduous quest...

Adventure, Fantasy

Heart of Keol

Sad boy from a broken family wakes up in a world that looks like Magical Ancient Asia. The story follows his journey as he works out his emotional baggage.

Drama, Fantasy, Female Creator, Full Color, Bittersweet, Long Form, Magic,...



The Boy Who Fell

The Boy Who Fell revolves around an innocent, softhearted and almost-spineless boy named Ren who suddenly finds himself in Hell after accidentally falling off a school rooftop. He is then forced to partake in a tournament full of powerful and...


Manly Guys Doing Manly Things

Sometime this is a comic about macho action heroes from various vidja games and the like. Sometimes this is a slice of life comic about a time traveling Navy SEAL single dad from the nonspecific spacefuture. Mostly it’s just about things that are...

Comedy, Geek Culture, Hiveworks, Satire, Slice of Life, Video Game
On Hiatus